Protocol Adherence

Protocol: ISDA 2013 Reporting Protocol

Adhering Organization: Ardea Investment Management Pty Ltd

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Date: March 30, 2014


Dear Sirs,

ISDA 2013 Reporting Protocol - Adherence

The purpose of this letter is to confirm our adherence to the ISDA 2013 Reporting Protocol as published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. on May 10, 2013 (the “Protocol”). This letter constitutes, as between each other Adhering Party and us, an Adherence Letter as referred to in the Protocol. The definitions and provisions contained in the Protocol are incorporated into this Adherence Letter, which will supplement and form part of each Protocol Covered Agreement between us and each other Adhering Party.

1. Specified Terms

As between each other Adhering Party and us, the amendments in the Attachment to the Protocol shall apply to each Protocol Covered Agreement to which we are a party in accordance with the terms of the Protocol and this Adherence Letter.

2. Appointment as Agent and Release

We hereby appoint ISDA as our agent for the limited purposes of the Protocol and accordingly we waive any rights and hereby release ISDA from any claims, actions or causes of action whatsoever (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) arising out of or in any way relating to this Adherence Letter or our adherence to the Protocol or any actions contemplated as being required by ISDA.

3. Payment

Each Adhering Party must submit a one-time fee of U.S. $500 to ISDA at or before the submission of this Adherence Letter.

4. Contact Details

Our contact details for purposes of this Adherence Letter are:

Contact Us

We consent to the publication of a conformed copy of this letter by ISDA and to the disclosure by ISDA of the contents of this letter.

Ardea Investment Management Pty Ltd


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AMP Capital Investors Ltd on behalf of The Future Directions Inflation Linked Bond Fund
Australian Capital Territory
Fidante Partners Ltd on behalf of Ardea Wholesale Australian Inflation Linked Bond Fund
Fidante Partners Ltd on behalf of Ardea Wholesale Inflation Plus Fund
Auscoal Superannuation Pty Ltd on behalf of AUSCOAL Superannuation Fund
Commonwealth Bank Officers Superannuation Corporation Pty Ltd on behalf of Commonwealth Bank Group Super
CSF Pty Ltd on behalf of Catholic Superannuation Fund
EIF Pty Ltd on behalf of Energy Industries Superannuation Scheme Pty Ltd
FSS Trustee Corporation on behalf of First State Superannuation Scheme
Motor Accidents Insurance Board
Queensland Local Government Superannuation Board on behalf of Local Government Superannuation Scheme
Qantas Superannuation Ltd on behalf of Qantas Superannuation Plan
Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia (T/A Funds SA) on behalf of the nominated funds pursuant to the Funds SA Act
Territory Insurance Office on behalf of Territory Insurance Office MAC
Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer on behalf of Workers Compensation Insurance Fund